Categoría: General

  • sBootstrap not found in E6

    With the idea of Dubois-Violette about using a Jordan Algebra to build three generations of the standard model I had had the hope of finding our lost -4/3 quarks as part of the content of a 27 + 27 representation of E6.  Asuming this was to be interpreted as the «decoloured» part of the standard…

  • on E6

    for E6 down to SU(6)xSU(2) 27 = (6, 2) + (15, 1) SU(6) ? SU(4)×SU(2)×U(1) 6 = (1, 2)(?2) + (4, 1)(1) 15 = (1, 1)(?4) + (4, 2)(?1) + (6, 1)(2) SU(6) ? SU(3)×SU(3)×U(1) 6 = (3, 1)(1) + (1, 3)(?1) 15 = (3, 1)(2) + (1, 3)(?2) + (3, 3)(0) SU(4) ? SU(3)×U(1)…

  • References on octonions

    Today I have been reviewing the archives of my ancient advisor, LJ Boya, who is long absent due to health issues, and of course there are some folders on octonions.   An early attempt to use «octonion calculus» is as early as Pais 1961, but it seems that they became a source of inspiration for…

  • La del higgs

    No habia añadido al histograma de beta decays la linea que corresponderia a la masa del Higgs, ahora que ya lo conocemos. Como veis, esta bastante cerca del pico principal, pero seria dificil encontrar un mecanismo que acoplara estas dos masas al nucleo pero ignorara, como parece que ignora, la del Z0.    

  • asortatividad del crimen

    Seria interesante construir alguna red de relaciones entre criminales y ver si se forman grupos con alta modularidad, pero esta nota es solo para recordar que acaba de salir un articulo que sin ser propiamente de estudios de genero trata del asunto de los asesinatos entre hombres y mujeres. Se trata del Informe sobre el…