weak force and nuclear shells, revisited (II)

A -sort of- measurement of the Higgs Boson mass

To put some numbers to our previous observations and go beyond eyeball line fit, we need to review the collections of nuclear fission data. There are two recent fits in the literature form which we can extract tables. The thesis of R.W. Mills «Fission product yield evaluation» (Birmingham, 1995), for the UKFY3 database, does a five-peaks fit of 24 (n,f) reactions, and we can pass to GeV the position of the asymmetric S1 channel and average all the reactions; this average is \(124.64 \pm 0.55\) GeV. Or we can use a more recent seven peaks fit, from D.M. Gorodisskiy, S.I. Mulgin, A.Ya. Rusanov, S.V. Zhdanov multi-modal analysis of (p,f) reactions (STI/PUB/1286, April 2008), and again look to the position of the S1 channel over ten different nuclides, getting an average of \(125.12 \pm 0.65\) GeV.



Channels in fission have been evaluated and systematized from the works of Wahl and, particularly, of Brosa, where one «standard symmetric» channel of equal-fragment fission and two «standard asymmetric» channels S1, S2 are considered. The latter are associated to peaks in the large fragment that in turn are linked so some shell closure or deformed shell closure.  More recently, the analysis of the external «wings» of the mass distributions has induced to add a third channel S3 associated to a peak in the small fragment; the GMRS analysis uses all the three channels plus a non-gaussian queue in the central, symmetric channel.

It comes without say that we do not still have a model of how or why should the electroweak bosons contribute to the nuclear potential in a way sensible enough to be part of the spin-orbit interaction that justifies the nuclear shells. Whatever it is, it should be a phenomena enhanced when the mass of the nucleus coincides with the mass of the electroweak boson, as we discussed ten years ago. By now, lets review the nuclear evaluations and we will come back in the next post to the question of the mechanism.

UKFY3 has been the evaluation eventually incorporated to the JEFF database . In the work of Mills it is considered that no better adjustment is got beyond five peaks -although the current evaluation seems to show an extra wing-,  and  then it makes visible the S1 and S2 channels of Brosa. They are supposed to be associated to the N=82 shell and to some other deformed neutron shell, and indeed the fit is nicely constant for the peaks in the large fragments.  Still, and given the absence of an electroweak particle of mass similar to the S2 peak,  for this channel we have painted in the graph, in light blue, both the large and small fragment peak. The position of the fragment is also undetermined by the average number of neutrons or light fragments that are emitted during the fragmentation, and so we have drawn bands around it.  We see in any case that, while increasing with the total atomic mass of the nuclei, this peak remains between the values of mass of the Z0 and W boson, and so I still hold to the conjecture is that S2 is really contributed by the lower fragment, that resonates with these bosons.



In fact this conjecture is partly supported by the GMRS analysis, who add to their fits a third channel S3 pivoting on the lower fragment.  In fact other groups have also considered that either the N=50 shell or the Z=40 and Z=50 shells should have some role in the «scission point» of the nucleus, so this addition is consistent. And the interesting point is that this S3 channel keeps constant very nearby of the mass of the W boson. The adjustment of the S2 channel improves in some sense too: while it is still best considered constant to a high-mass fragment, the average of the corresponding lower fragment, A-x (note that GMRS do not provide data on prompt neutrons), is pretty near of the mass of the \(Z^0\) boson. Without considering the noise from neutrons and light fragments, we had an average of \(92.34 \pm 2.91 \; GeV\) for the «A-x» S2 peak and \(79.21 \pm 1.14 \; GeV\) for the «A-x» S3.  Note that in the graphs the lines are set to the measured values of H, W and Z, not to these averages.


GMRZ 10 MeV protons

S1 S2 S3 A-S2 A-S3
233Pa 124.6347 129.94425 137.95515 87.09525 79.08435
234Np 124.0758 128.45385 137.76885 89.51715 80.20215
236Np 124.72785 129.2922 141.86745 90.5418 77.96655
237Np 124.72785 129.75795 142.8921 91.00755 77.8734
239Np 125.3799 130.50315 144.47565 92.12535 78.15285
239Am 124.821 129.4785 143.54415 93.15 79.08435
240Am 125.1936 130.0374 144.84825 93.5226 78.71175
241Am 125.47305 130.41 145.22085 94.0815 79.27065
243Am 125.9388 130.87575 146.0592 95.47875 80.2953
245Bk 126.21825 131.3415 146.8044 96.876 81.4131
Averages 125.11908 130.009455 143.143605 92.339595 79.205445
Data from IAEA STI/PUB/1286 , table 4.5.5.

Converted with 1 AMU = 0.9315 GeV


Values in atomic mass units Values in GeV
Â+ D1  – D1  + D2 2* n Reaction  + D1  – D1  + D2 – D1 +n – D1 +n
139.746 89.514 134.452 229.26 2.74 Th232H 130.173399 83.382291 125.242038 85.934601 80.642291
140.572 89.328 133.115 229.9 2.1 U232T 130.942818 83.209032 123.9966225 85.165182 81.109032
139.939 90.181 135.121 230.12 2.88 U233H 130.3531785 84.0036015 125.8652115 86.6863215 81.1236015
141.327 89.773 134.298 231.1 0.9 Th232F 131.6461005 83.6235495 125.098587 84.4618995 82.7235495
140.879 90.581 133.784 231.46 1.54 U233F 131.2287885 84.3762015 124.619796 85.8107115 82.8362015
140.943 90.597 133.876 231.54 1.46 U233T 131.2884045 84.3911055 124.705494 85.7510955 82.9311055
139.681 91.879 134.531 231.56 3.44 U235H 130.1128515 85.5852885 125.3156265 88.7896485 82.1452885
140.92 92.88 133.53 233.8 1.2 U235T 131.26698 86.51772 124.383195 87.63552 85.31772
140.92 92.88 133.529 233.8 1.2 U235F 131.26698 86.51772 124.3822635 87.63552 85.31772
139.93 94.07 133.8 234 3 Np237H 130.344795 87.626205 124.6347 90.420705 84.626205
140.766 93.754 133.958 234.52 1.48 U236F 131.123529 87.331851 124.781877 88.710471 85.851851
139.916 94.664 133.225 234.58 3.42 U238H 130.331754 88.179516 124.0990875 91.365246 84.759516
140.604 94.636 133.936 235.24 1.76 Np237F 130.972626 88.153434 124.761384 89.792874 86.393434
140.671 94.629 133.997 235.3 1.7 Np237T 131.0350365 88.1469135 124.8182055 89.7304635 86.4469135
139.926 95.414 132.538 235.34 3.66 Pu239H 130.341069 88.878141 123.459147 92.287431 85.218141
139.645 96.115 132.876 235.76 4.24 Pu240H 130.0793175 89.5311225 123.773994 93.4806825 85.2911225
140.414 95.726 133.535 236.14 1.86 Pu238T 130.795641 89.168769 124.3878525 90.901359 87.308769
140.823 95.677 134.173 236.5 1.5 U238F 131.1766245 89.1231255 124.9821495 90.5203755 87.6231255
139.354 97.286 132.871 236.64 4.36 Am241H 129.808251 90.621909 123.7693365 94.683249 86.261909
140.584 96.476 134.087 237.06 1.94 Pu239F 130.953996 89.867394 124.9020405 91.674504 87.927394
140.579 96.541 134.089 237.12 1.88 Pu239T 130.9493385 89.9279415 124.9039035 91.6791615 88.0479415
139.599 97.961 133.591 237.56 4.44 Pu242H 130.0364685 91.2506715 124.4400165 95.3865315 86.8106715
140.667 97.293 134.185 237.96 2.04 Pu240F 131.0313105 90.6284295 124.9933275 92.5286895 88.5884295
140.681 98.139 134.231 238.82 2.18 Am241F 131.0443515 91.4164785 125.0361765 93.4471485 89.2364785
averages 130.762650375 87.560767125 124.639668 89.769974625 85.1891004583
From Â, D1, D2 values in Mills 1995
Value of n is A – 2*Â


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