Koide Waterfall on Prezi (use the play button to see the slideshow)
92-07p353 Experience in RTN, a reconfigurable network of transputers.
9210014 and 9302007: old, unrelated, lattice calculations
DFTUZ 93-03, on a trick of SUSY Q.M.
9411081 Dirac Delta and Renormalization [gzip] in 1D Quantum Mechanics. This was a section of my PhD Thesis. In following years, the issue was widely studied; you can peruse the references in P L Christiansen et al (2003) for instance.
Tunneling via instantons (last. mod 1994). (note added 27-9-2002: This is, up to this date, the only paper I sent individually to publish. The referee considered it "not urgent", which now I know it is true, see Phys. Rev. D 46, 46854690 (1992). But instead giving this reference-surely unknown to him too-, he argued that the letter was "just calculations" and that he "did not understand formula number (1) in the paper", and so he asked for rewritting. Which I did not) . It seems it has been useful to someone (quant-ph/0406200)
9605006 (gzip) was a wrong paper trying to fit the Z' boson in the framework of Connes Standard Model.
(www) Backlinks. If Gore invented Internet, I invented self-trackback
9710026 Introduction to the Tangent Groupoid gzip and an unfinished revisit in 2002.
9802102 Tangent Groupoid and quantization gzip. See also section 6 of Varilly's
9803035 Feynman formula (zero dim derivation) gzip
9804169 Conjectures looking for a NCG(*)
9904021 Section of a Cone (history) In some sense it forms a "trilogy" with 0006065(v2) and 0309104, below
9905021 On Generations and quantization ambiguity
0001033 On Barrow (fantasy/history. Thanks marcus@physicsforums by John Aubrey' reference). Also, according Mordechai Feingold, Late in 1655 John Worthington wrote to Samuel Hartlib that Barrow "hath undertake to doe something upon Archimedes which shall awaken all the world". Worthington did not elaborate, and Barrow had already left England. Did he found The Method?
0006065v2, Rhythmos, Diathige, Trope (jpg tar.gz), see greek online at xxx
0006065 on Democritus, v1(philology for atoms)
0007027 The ambiguity (again, on NCG and generations)
0108136 Lessons From Numerical Analysis (the Brouder's clue)
0203024 Discrete spectral triples converging to Dirac operators
0204238 around Poincare duality
0208180 Lecture on Divergences. (It was quoted here. I wonder how)
0302285 Flashes of Noncommutativity going back to Newton.
0308 Alquimia, a divulgative article for the magazine Liceus. Spanish.
0308 referee report for a letter of Maurice de Gosson, the main evangelist of the Symplectic Camel Principle.
0309104 Democritus as taoist and a footnote. Collected as Interesting Reading by Neutrino Unbound
0311 referee report for a letter of JM Isidro.
0312003 Relates nuclei shells to the masses of Higgs, Top, and W/Z. It is so strange that I will try to publish version 2 (*) in order to get some readers :-) See the original note here, and also mesones.pdf if you are asking for the usual massive mesons (but then you could prefer the pretty plots of Mac Gregor).
0404086 On Planck area, Planck time and Planck mass. (*)
0405076 The 115 GeV signal from nuclear physics. (*) See also draft of new version
LS9530 (EXT-2004-048) The Lamb's Balance. It could be fused with 0405076, as the ArXiV moderator suggested, but by the moment I prefer to keep it separately.
The figure above shows the histogram of beta decays known to the NUDAT database, counted in bins of nuclear mass number A. Do not buy it straightly, it has a lot of mixed input. A contour plot of the two peaks in the NZ plane is available here. A histogram of yields from fission here, with the Higgs added in 2015.
Left, you can see a
plot of relevant standard model masses (diagonal lines)
and magic numbers (vert, horiz) compared against the drip lines predicted by
some popular nuclear models. We show 68 GeV, W, Z, 115 Gev, 175 Gev and 246 GeV.
Please click in the figure to see all the auxiliary lines.
Note that the simple existence of the diagonals shows that the distance from stability line downwards to neutron drip line and leftwards to proton dripline is approximately equal. This fact is independent of if you buy or not the particle balance theory; it is already noticeable in the old liquid drop model, and becomes exact when microscopic corrections are included.
Perhaps a trilogy on experimental inputs concludes here; a fourth work, trying to extract more info from all the database of beta (W-) decays, needs a previous separation according allowedness of each decay before to try to balance them against nuclear masses.
On the other side, theoretical work on the LBC is hard to pursue alone :-|
0407118 On distance to the drip lines. Alternatively, we could be in presence of a persistent systematic error (*)
08/2004...Well, simply a very short note on gravity along the lines of 0404086. Why 3+1 compactification? Kepler laws, simply.
0409022 on spectral triples for D=26. (*)
0503104 A collaboration with Hans de Vries trying to decipher some mass relationships between leptons and electroweak bosons. (*)
0505220: the very puzzling formula of Yoshio Koide for charged leptons. A splash of modesty, on Koide's side. (this preprint is kindly cited (more opportunity than content) in Phys. Rev. D 73, 013009 and Phys. Rev. D 73, 057901 (2006), which I guess makes it my top cited PhysRev paper).
0507144, a spotting of the triangle anomaly in J/Psi (and Z0?!)(*)
0507..., on the GUT value 3/8. The result is probably uninteresting, because the ArXiV moderators rejected the first version of this note. A knowledge person tells me that my comment is "just a curiousity, but it is sort of amusing", another that "find it very interesting" and both informs that it has not been seen in the literature. That is a consolation; sort of. (*)
As a consequence of one of the email exchanges above, I did a new try of publication, sending out the articles marked with (*) above.
0508... is an spin-off of the previous article, where we have accidentally tripped over the Ab Forward/Backward anomaly. Actually, the calculation of cross sections for the channel 11 of ZFITTER has some problem with EPS round-offs, but I am not sure if we can attach it to this effect.
Memorandum on SUSY, to work on it after summer. Email welcome.
0511165 is a fusion of previous 0507... and 0508... done to upload it towards the ArXiV (which was slightly reorganised during Summer 2005) for communication and quotability purposes.
0512065 about supersymmetry with mesons and
diquarks. Perhaps the really fundamental susy.
This picture, drawn in Feb 2006, is a natural extension of the work in 0507144, plotted using data from the pdg. It includes all the non-strong lines according the PDG naming scheme, and some cubic and quintic auxiliar lines. AFAIK, only the green one is well stablished, namely the spectator model of beta decay
0603145 about particles decaying electromagnetically and the Z0 width coincidence, ie about the aforementioned picture here on the right. The point is that most decays depend of two electromagnetic vertex AND a particle-specific decay constant related to QCD. And Z0 even haven't such dependence. You can comment on this paper in an entry at Dorigo's blog.
0603123 on quantum of area, sort of follow-up to 0404086 above.
0604, 0605: Extension of a footnote in 0503104, giving some detail on Hans de Vries estimate of Weinberg sine. Also look here and here for different versions from the point of view of Casimir invariants of Poincare group representations. At the end I have condensed the three notes in a single one, 0606171
A research plan recently compiled for some applications somewhere.
0612... about supersymmetry again, the way I am starting to look at it, that is N>1 and at least N=3 or N=6, depending of the BPS bounds you meet.
0710.1526 superstring, generations, and some numerical evidence. Comment at Dorigo's
0910.4793, more on the same topic. And even as Vixra preprint, just for fun.
1107.1750 is the first paper on the 15m and social analisis. See also 15m.bifi.es.. I am not sure if it is in the scope of potential readers of this page, so I will not archive further papers here.
1111.7230, about the +4/3 diquark.
1111.7232 A new Koide tuple: strange - charm -bottom. Also vixra:1111.0062 , Koide sum rules. Note also vixra v1, where some extra stress is done about the links with QCD scale, and a nice prezentation.
It seems that motivation kept me jumping between three layers:
A draft of an author/chronology table covering the first decade of Non Commutative Geometry is here.
Also I am trying to keep a bibliography here and its first and second iterations, the latter usable only for searches IMHO. Also, Sitarz maintained a page on books and reviews
You could also to try some graphical tool as the CiteSeer Relator (here pictured as an example in Jan 2003).
2003. A student is doing an XML version of the "Anales de la Corona de Aragon".
2003. Two students are working on a QuickCam Mouse, middle way between Tom Cruise and Playstation II.
2004. The camera trick is being ported to a Zaurus PDA attached to the USB port of a PC
1994 www Imagemap Alternative, FigA (see also this example)
1996 A LINK tag for documents pointing to ours?
-- 1997 Photosynthesis CPL (Circularly Polarized Light, perhaps from an ice block or other byrrefringent material? Fue en algun momento Una ventaja evolutiva?)
1998 Memoria (mitos, cantos...)
1999 Grail Search also in Arthuriana, this message
HM 2002 Tao coincidences and a chinese quest for names
Ph 2002 thread on numerical calculus
Ph 2002 space-time coordinates as SUSY partners
Ph 2002... Some reading on history of alchemy drove to try calculations for the possibility of induced alpha emission of Hg201, which has a near threshold Gamow pseudostate stabilised with a huge barrier. Left unpublished, I am afraid, but surely some traces can be found in the web. (the point being that Hg201->Pt197+He4 is exotermic but can not be done via usual alpha disintegration. Pt197 decays to Au197; some coldfusioners in Texas reported this kind of beta radiation)
2003...Keeping the alchem quest I entered to study the masive standard model bosons.
2003 Solving the IFRAME onload riddle in Mozilla.
2003 Getting the quantum from quantum gravity. See also here
2004. And the inverse square law from De Broglie lengths and times? Thus 3+1 compactification... is it compulsory from Quantum Mechanics?
2004. This is not mine, but it could be of some importance, specially if combined with Smirnov's identities. For instance one gets ln(sin(cabibbo)=-sinh(ln(pi)). Amazing, even if only a memotecnic resource
2006 A thread on G and G, or h and c
2004-2007... a long long thread collecting numerical amusements.
2011 to discuss my sBoostrap/susy theory and also Koide equations.
XXX: Physics and Mathematics
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